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Contract Vehicles

Contract Vehicles

UTRS has access to many contract vehicles with varied scopes of work and NAICS codes. These contract vehicles provide our clients and teaming partners many options when looking to work with our firm.

One Acquisition Solution for Integrated Services Plus (OASIS+)

One Acquisition Solution for Integrated Services Plus (OASIS+) is a suite of governmentwide, multi-award contracts designed to support federal agencies’ procurement requirements for services-based solutions. This suite of services contracts is available for use by agencies throughout the Federal Government who hold a Delegation of Procurement Authority (DPA). OASIS+ has been designated as a Best-in-Class (BIC) contract vehicle by the General Services Administration (GSA).

OASIS+ is a collection of multiple-award, Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contracts, of which the contract base period is five (5) years with one (1) option period of five (5) years that may extend the cumulative contract ordering period to 10 years.

UTRS has the qualifications, subject-matter expertise, and ability to fully support the needs of agencies in the Domains of Research and Development and Technical and Engineering.

Contract 47QRCA-25-D-S310 (Small Business Set-Aside) or 47QRCA-25-D-U341 (Unrestricted)

Type Cost Plus Fixed Fee, Firm Fixed Price, or Time and Materials

Responsive Strategic Sourcing for Services (RS3)

A Multiple Award Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) Performance Based Services Contract that provides customized best value solutions to a diverse group of organizations that span the spectrum of Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (C4ISR) mission requirements throughout the world. RS3 has a $37.4B ceiling with a 10-year ordering period (five-year base ordering period and five-year optional ordering period). RS3 primary service areas include but are not limited to Engineering; Research, Development, Test and Evaluation (RDT&E); Logistics; Acquisition and Strategic Planning; Education and Training Services.

Eligible Users: Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard Services within DoD, all Federal Agencies, all Program Executive Offices (PEO’s)

Contract W15P7T-17-D-0139

Type Cost Plus Fixed Fee or Firm Fixed Price

Engineering Support for Combat Capabilities Development Command (CCDC) Automated Test Systems Division (ATSD)

Provide engineering support integral to automated test, automatic test equipment, test program sets, and test measurement and diagnostic equipment. Provide normally recurring, long-term services to meet the required conventional programmatic engineering support necessary for CCDC projects. The specified engineering services are conforming representations of distinctive regular and frequent engineering requirements for Weapon Software & Engineering Centers (WSEC’s) Automated Test Systems Divisions repetitive engineering services. These services include all aspects of major automated test systems, test system and Test Program Set design and development, investigative procedures for testability using fault tree and root cause analysis, weapon system Level of Repair Analysis, test strategy investigation, DoD commonality studies, DoD (Automated Test System) ATS guidelines, technical risk analysis, technical cost analysis, lifecycle cost estimating, development of special assembly/sub-assembly, and test equipment, preparation of drawings for design and the conduct of testing and test analysis at government and non-government test facilities. Provide designs, engineering, and test-engineering services related to weapons technologies.

Contract W15QKN-14-D-0080

Type Firm Fixed Price

Omnibus 6: Armament Software Engineering Center (SEC) Software Support

The primary objective of this program is to fill a need in providing software engineering and acquisition support throughout the lifecycle of their systems. This life cycle support includes supporting the system throughout the development process and maintaining it following transition to Government control through a means of an Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity Contract. The Armament SEC Directorate requires contractor support to assist in providing high quality services throughout the organization for software engineering, infrastructure, technologies and equipment requirements in the following four (4) functional areas:

Functional Area 1 – Software Development
Functional Area 2 – Software Sustainment
Functional Area 3 – Software Process Assurance
Functional Area 4 – Armament SEC Infrastructure Support.

Contract W15QKN-18-D-0092

Type Firm Fixed Price

GSA Professional Services Schedule (PSS)

Multiple award schedule, providing direct access to simple or complex fixed-price or labor-hour professional services including:
SINs 871-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Professional Engineering Services
SIN 132-51 IT Professional Services
SIN C-899-3 Environmental Training Services
Contract GS-00F-0086M

Type Time and Materials or Firm Fixed Price